Hiroshima mon amour 1959 Just

Hiroshima mon amour 1959

Just one more way to squeeze customers for more money. Im quitting Netflix. Ive been with you for 7 years, but this is the last straw. Netflix prematurely needed HD DVD support, even thought HD DVDs were cheaper. This helped end HD DVDs. Now they want to charge us extra for Blu-Ray. Well, good bye. Seriously why do some of you even have Netflix accounts? I think you really would be better off just sitting at home watching whatever schlock comes on cable or getting the newest new releases from Blockbuster. If thats all youre using Netflix for, then maybe there are better options for you. I live in Hampstead, MD, and I remember driving to Towson, Baltimore, Frederick, even Pennsylvania literally hours out of my way to rent movies from small, independent shops BECAUSE BLOCKBUSTER DOESNT HAVE THE INVENTORY. Guess what? They still dont and they NEVER WILL. I jumped on Netflix the moment I saw it nearly on day one and I havent looked back since. By the way, my Netflix bill has actually gone down since day one. No one is forcing you to pay this. Netflix is not wringing hiroshima mon amour 1959 money out of you. You are subscribing to a luxury service. If Harrison Fords 5 oclock shadow being sharper-than-real-life isnt worth an extra dollar to you, then by all means UNSUBSCRIBE. But lets have some perspective. You live in a society where you can sit on your 3k leather sofa in front of your 5k HD plasma big screen watching your 30 Blu-Ray DVDs on your 400 player and you want to complain about 1/month? This isnt corporate greed. Corporate greed is Monsanto poisoning the milk your children drink and then actively suppressing news stories about it. Corporate greed is removing entire mountain tops in West Virginia and dumping the waste into public drinking supplies because its quicker and therefore cheaper. But I can understand how that extra three cents a day matters to you after all, its probably what the kid who made your designer sweater gets paid. Hello and welcome to the official Netflix Blog! We the blog authors are various members of the Netflix team. Were also rabid movie fans. We hope this will be a great forum for us to talk about what we hiroshima mon amour 1959 doing, and for you to tell us what you think. Convert Anything to iPad, iPod, Etc with RipBot You are using Internet Explorer This is a very, very old browser which does not support all modern websites.

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